Liar’s Path, notes on truth, working truths, and deception
Translation to Russian
Sergei has sent me the first chapters of his Russian translation of Spirit Falls (Дух в Водопаде? Те, кторые говорят по русски, предлогайте еще название книги), which I have postedhere. He is concerned whether his translation captures the novel’s spirit. For those...
On the Eve of 2012, Peer Literary Criticism
It is New Year’s Eve 2012 in Madison, Wisconsin. Yesterday there was an alternating snow-sleet-rain storm in our Lake Wingra microclimate. Today this small world is grey and ice-covered. Tomorrow morning there is a winter weather advisory—high winds and sleet. I had...
You don't have to fool all of the people all of the time; you just have to fool the right people some of the time. (folk wisdom) On June 18 (1941) Timoshenko and Zhukov tried once again to persuade Stalin and the Politburo to put the Army on full alert. The more...
Denial – hide the truth
I add two caveats before I go on. Though I address the principals of denial and deception––deception, denial, deceit and misdirection––successively, linearity in deception, deception analysis and counter-deception should be, but most often are not, thought of as...
All deception is based on truth
A first rule of deception is truth. All deception works within the context of what is true. All deception works within the context of honesty. Deception is the deliberate attempt to manipulate the perceptions of the target[1]. This first principle, truth,...
Pricipals of deception, or “Rules in a knife fight”
You are traversing a large and dark room. Dim bulbs glow and extinguish, here and there, without illumination. There is sound; now loud, now low, its source and direction uncertain, then silence. Smells; oil or burning rubber. Touch; your shin strikes an iron bar, a...